Count on an experienced team to understand, develop and deliver the best solutions for your media projects.
Development and services

No matter the size of the operation, for us at ALFRED it’s essential to offer the ideal solution to your business, always looking for high quality and the best price/performance ratio.

Our Engineering & Development team conducts a complete study and presents the best options to integrate existing operations and to develop necessary features not yet available in Alfred. Additionally, the team has the ability to structure complex data migration operations, usually motivated by obsolescence of the system in use.

With an ever-growing number of successful projects and new deployments, updates and integrations, count on our professionals to take care of your project and be sure to contact us for more details!


A suite inclui um módulo Client em versões Desktop, Web e Mobile Telas Alfred

Integration and migration

With expertise, we safely integrate your legacy systems or migrate your data to the new world of Alfred.


Grow whenever needed in the number of servers, clients, features and storage space (local or cloud-based).


Always looking for advanced features and with full attention to the market needs, we are constantly developing for the newest and most complex requirements.

Would you like to book a virtual demo?

Schedule with us.

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Thumbnail Alfred Hardware.

Media management and archiving

Alfred is a complete system for managing digital media, including cataloging, search, transcoding, collaboration, distribution and archiving. On-premises and in the cloud!

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Thumbnail Alfred Streams.

Network and
baseband streams

Alfred IO allows full control and automation of streaming channels, relying on the most modern transmission protocols and compression methods. Also, discover Alfreds Ingest & Playout.

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Thumbnail Alfred Hardware.

Servers and

We have our own server and workstation hardware line, specially designed to fulfill all Alfred 2 and media management needs.

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