June 23, 2020

What are CODECs? Definitions and Applications

What is a CODEC?

Broadly, and simply, speaking CODEC is an acronym for Encoder/Decoder, and should be the first decision to be considered when planning for production of videos. CODECs are defined by its algorithms, which are created with the intent to compress and decompress video. It can come in two formats: as an electronic circuit (Hardware); or, more commonly, as a digital program (software).

June 17, 2020

The Evolution of Video

Powered by advancements in technologies, reduction in productions costs, and increased availability of equipment, video has reached hitherto unheard of levels of digital quality. In the short span of 15 years, for example, flat screens (with LCD and LED video technologies) have gained higher resolutions, greater contrast, and an impressive fidelity in colors. The quick growth of display quality of flat screens paved the way for HIGH DEFINITION (HD), now reaching ULTRA HD 4K; and, some that have already achieved up to 8K of resolution!

As interesting as all of it sounds, we have already covered how video (and its technological advancements) have become the universal tool for communication in our previous post. The purpose of this article is to explore and match the different types of video formats to that of your (or your company’s) needs. Typically, high resolution videos provide clarity and quality to your content; on the other hand, they are quite large, occupy more digital space, and necessitate more bits to be recorded and/or transmitted. Therefore, knowing the purpose of the video, and understanding how and where it will be used, are critical factors to learn before choosing the most suitable format for production (and sharing).

June 9, 2020

How VIDEO became an UNIVERSAL media communication tool.

Today, with a Smartphone in hand (and any idea in the head) it is possible for most people to generate content with very good technical quality; at low cost. The evolution of video recording equipment has moved content production from the hands of a few, and specialized workforce, to almost everybody. In addition, publishing and distributing media is no longer a task accomplished by a few specialists as the INTERNET, and the advent of social media, have made video usage and delivery enormously popular.

June 2, 2020

How TV broadcasters located videos in the middle of an infinity of tapes

When the distribution form of audiovisual media was limited to television broadcasting, programs were either performed live or through the reproduction of pre-recorded content on magnetic tapes (video tapes).

The large number of videos that were henceforth produced by large companies (mostly TV stations) generated the necessity for departments exclusively dedicated to the management of content created and recorded on video tapes. Included in their daily work was the production of hours of recordings to tapes, which was mainly comprised of programs and news content. Oftentimes, this specialized workforce was referred to as “The Tapes Traffic department”, and they controlled the use and storage of video tapes, control of environment for safekeeping of materials (humidity and temperature control), cataloging, and record keeping of its stored location.


